Sitzhoker | Diver dressing stool

Rund ums Helmtauchen!

Sitzhoker | Diver dressing stool

Beitragvon GKAM » Di 7. Mär 2017, 11:36

Inspired by the American design (BuShips drawing 610414) for a dressing stool. Fun weekend project :)

The dressing stool measures 50cm x 45cm x 35cm (H x L x W).
Two planks of "Leimholz Eiche" used: 200cm x 40cm x 1,8cm and 80cm x 30cm x 1,8cm


Parts were cut at OBI to the specified dimensions.


Two cuts not possible with the circular saw were done at home using a simple arrangement to guide the jigsaw.


Dowels were used to make the dressing stool look more elegant.


Some of the finished parts before assembly.


Gluing the lid. Two countersunk screws were also used to secure the front part.

Angle (2).jpg

Finished stool was treated with linseed oil.


Shelf with raised lip for temporary stowage of wingnuts, wrenches etc.

Beiträge: 22
Registriert: Mi 22. Apr 2015, 21:50
Vorname: Kamarinos

Re: Sitzhoker | Diver dressing stool

Beitragvon Franz » Mi 8. Mär 2017, 19:06

Hi George,

wonderfull work and a nice cool design. He has to cary 80 kg, maybe more.
The legend tells that German "Eiche" is the strongest material available, stronger than steel.

; )
Beiträge: 1361
Registriert: Fr 24. Jun 2011, 14:29
Vorname: Franz
Spezielle Interessen: Alte Tauchausrüstungen, Tauchgeschichte. . . .

Re: Sitzhoker | Diver dressing stool

Beitragvon Franz » Do 23. Mär 2017, 07:23

Hi George,

here is a replica of the original stool:

27070 Stool.jpg
27070 Stool.jpg (107.74 KiB) 8034-mal betrachtet

Yours looks better in detail and more solid.

How about making a stool which can be taken appart for transport? All parts would be flat and small, not rob space in the car. Thread bolts with wing nuts and screws have to be used instead of dowels. Cut gaps on the lover sides so that the stool stands firmly on uneven ground at the lake.

img636 Kopie.jpg

Use brass wingnuts, washers and screws to keep up tradition! A bottle of good Greek red wine for decompression has to fit on the lower shelve.

: )
Beiträge: 1361
Registriert: Fr 24. Jun 2011, 14:29
Vorname: Franz
Spezielle Interessen: Alte Tauchausrüstungen, Tauchgeschichte. . . .

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